Hey everybody! Marvin here!
I just uploaded a fresh version of the ebook this morning, with lots of additional errors that fans have pointed out to me corrected. My writing skills evolved a lot while writing book 1, and they're evolving even more as I write book two. As I work I often stumble upon solutions to problems I had in book 1, so I have gone back and changed up a few scenes to be objectively better. At this point, I don't think there's going to be any major changes to book 1, so you'll be fine even if you don't reread. That being said, if you do decide to reread you can enjoy some new and improved scenes. I'm working on polishing book 1 up whenever I'm not in the mood to write book 2, which most of my efforts have been focused on. Stay tuned for that update not far in the future.
On that topic, book two is still chugging along. Still no firm release date, but I remain on track to get it finished by December, so long as nothing comes along and cuts into my writing time. I'm actually still hoping my speed will pick up as I get deeper into the book, and allow me to get the novel out by November. That's a stretch goal though, so no promises.
As for the title? I have found myself writing more and more of the story jumping between the public library and my local coffee shops. That's right, I've become one of those wanna be writers that sits at the back of Starbucks in the morning. Sipping coffee and ever so slowly typing away.
It unfortunately means I've got to leave placeholders for the more Rated R scenes, but that is a small price to pay to be able to write out of the hot weather.