Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Spellheart 7 now availible on audio!

Hi everybody! Special shout out to Big Fan for reminding me about this book release (twice!)

Spellheart Book 7: Spire of Blood is now out an audio!

You can get it here!


And yes, you may have spotted that the books are being changed over to Marvin Knight.

While being Marvin Whiteknight was funny for a while, I kept getting the same questions and same raised eyebrows. So I figure I'd just trim it down a little.

(If you haven't guessed by now... 'Whiteknight' wasn't even my real last name to begin with! I've tricked you all! But most importantly, I've tricked my mother, who googles my name regularly. Knight is not my last name either, but it is close enough I know how to write it in cursive if I ever need to sign books. Whiteknight was a little much in cursive. My 'W' are always all messed up.)


The audiobook for Spellheart 7 is done, and Spellheart 8 will be my next release! I've finished writing it as of now and am cleaning up my second draft, so I'm actually fairly close. It's just a matter of beta reader changes and cleaning up typos. I will do an announcement of that later.

So, current order of books to be published:

  • Spellheart 8 (Doing the final stages of edits on this. Coming soon!)
  • Amazon Apocalypse 1 (About halfway through this, but I might keep it as a Patreon exclusive story until I've started the sequel)
  • Paladin 3 (Have an outline and one chapter written. It's on the backburner until Spellheart 8 is out the door. To be published later this year!)

I really wish I had firm dates for you guys on these things, but all of my estimations are always way, way off. So the most I can promise is that those three books will be written before the end of the year.

They hopefully won't be the only books I publish this year, but a lot depends on how long the manuscripts are and whether or not we face nuclear Armageddon.

As always, thanks for reading!

If you want to talk to me, you can check out my Discord channel!

I'm usually there talking about stuff when I'm supposed to be writing, so check it out and say hello!

I talk about book stuff from time to time in there, but it's mostly just me sharing memes, nsfw elf pics, 3d printing stuff, and other cool nerd things.
