Saturday, June 20, 2020

Memories of the Reborn is now Live!

This one clocks in at 170,000 words, which is as long as I want to go with books in this series. There's a lot of content in here that I'm certain many of you will love. It was an adventure to write and I'm glad it's finally free to see the world. I'm already typing away to get book 4 to you someday soon.

Edit: FAQ: I'd like to support you Marvin. Should I buy the book or read it on KU?
Answer: Due to the books pricing to word count, I actually earn significantly more when you read the book on KU than when you buy it (About 42% more off KU, actually!). Don't change your reading habits on my account, but don't feel bad if you're reading on KU, because I'm definitely earning more that way. That isn't true for most books on KU, but it is for this one.


  1. Any news on an audiobook?

    1. I'll let my fans known on this blog if we're able to produce a book 3 audiobook. The way things are looking right now, the book 4 ebook is likely to arrive before a third audiobook.


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