Sunday, October 25, 2020

Spellheart 4 Going through final stages soon.

 I'll be making another announcement once the cover art comes in, but I'm mostly done writing book 4. I just need to do a bit of surface-level editing and make the Amazon listing. I'm hoping for an early November release.


  1. Cmon! Cmon! My friend turned me on to this recently and now I've caught up and can't wait for more!

  2. Its gonna be a good one yall I just know it

  3. Replies
    1. Just doing some final checks to make sure I didn't mess anything up with the very last set of edits. A day or two probably!

  4. Is there an eta for the audiobook for book 3?

    1. No ETA yet unfortunately. If my audio publisher really doesn't want to do them I'll just have to save up money and hire a narrator myself, though that will take quite a bit of time.


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