Hi guys,
Spellheart 9: King of the Satyrs is finally done!
US: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CJMB311C
UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0CJMB311C
CA: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0CJMB311C
AU: https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B0CJMB311C
DE: https://www.amazon.de/dp/B0CJMB311C
Sorry for the wait on this one guys, but trust me I've been hard at work!
I finished this up about two months ago and it's been waiting in the wings for me to finally get it out the door.
The wait for book 10 should hopefully not be as long as the wait for this one was. I've already gotten a little done with it.
Next up is audiobooks for Amazon Apocalypse 1 and Paladin of the Sigil 4.
Then Amazon Apocalypse 2 will come out (hopefully before the end of the year -- I am 150k words into the rough draft, so about 75% done with drafting, but still early on in editing.)
After that, it's either Spellheart 10 or Amazon Apocalypse 3. Really depends on which I'm feeling more.
I would also like to do another new series, but that will have to wait until Summer of next year when my publication schedule is clearer.
PS: Suggest in the comments what I can do to make marvinknightbooks.com better. Not really sure what to add. Maybe an art gallery from the books?
The site is still under construction, but eventually it will replace this blog completely.
It was a very good read, thank you!