Sunday, November 14, 2021

November Update

Hi guys,

It's past time for me to post something new here. I don't really have much to say at this point. There's a lot in development, but I don't think I'm going to be able to drop any of it this month.

Work on Spellheart is still paused, though I do have a considerable portion of book 8 drafted, if not edited.

On that front, Champion of Deania will be released on audio on 12/28 in time for the winter holidays.

I'm still working on Paladin of the Shield (Sequel to Paladin of the Sword). I'm still drafting this one. Like it's predecessor this is also going to be a double-sized book, so it's going to take some extra time. I'm 130k words deep so far and think the ending will be somewhere in the ballpark of 180k, though that may change if I make any substantial cuts before release.

I have however confirmed that Jessica Threet will be doing the audio for Paladin of the Sword. It's on her production list, but she does have a bit of a backlog. Expect that sometime in February of next year.

Amazon Apocalypse is still patreon exclusive for now, for those of you who have been following that. Once I know where either Spellheart or Paladin is going to end for sure I'll polish this one up and push it out the door for the rest of you non-patreon people to enjoy.

I'm also working as part of a team on a visual novel project, which I should hopefully have more information about before the end of the year. For now though, that's all!


Paladin book 2: Targeting first quarter 2022

Champion of Deania releases on audio 12/28