Thursday, March 11, 2021

Spellheart 5 uploaded to Amazon

The next Spellheart book is now in Amazon's hands. I'll be making another post once it goes live and I'll be doing all the post-release hype stuff I normally do.


This upload was surprisingly less stressful than usual. I remember for books three and four I started sweating whenever I thought about pushing that button, but it didn't bother at all this time. I'm chalking it up to the idea that I'm subconsciously confident you guys will really like the book. In fact, I haven't been this chill during a release day since the release of book one, where I knew I'd be ecstatic if even one person read the book.

Anyway, you'll be hearing more from me when the book goes live. New posts incoming, and I'll be on social media over the weekend to chat.


  1. ... And done. More? More? :D

    1. Haha! I knew you guys would be done with it before I even finished cleaning up my writing desk. But yeah, more is definitely on the way.


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