Friday, January 17, 2020

Currently Alive and Writing

These posts are always hard for me.

I've been trying to be a more active author, blogging and leaving messages for you guys.
The trouble is, I don't really have much to say.

"I'm writing."

That's about it. I've been working on book 3. I know I said I was going to get the book 2 paperback out first thing but to be honest... I got bored formatting. It's just nowhere near as fun as writing a new book. I literally fell asleep at the keyboard. I've heard Vellum is some good software that can automate a lot of this stuff, but it's only for Mac. I guess I finally know why writers always seem to love Mac (Fun fact; I wrote a number of words for Book 1 and 2 on a used $10 Raspberry Pi -- But don't worry, I have since purchased a real computer).

I find formatting too similar to proofreading. I love editing for story, but I can't proofread to save my life. Part of that is because I've trained myself to read very poorly edited translated xianxia novels (often machine translated and pulled directly off of Qidian) so I just don't see typos anymore. It's like I'm physically no longer capable of perceiving them, even when I read aloud. That's why I appreciate fans sending these things in. I've already pushed out several updates for Secrets of the Hearthwood with typo corrections, so if you haven't redownloaded the book recently, you have that to look forward to.

So, I've been writing book 3 instead. That's a lot more fun, and it's the whole reason I'm writing in the first place. I spent my Friday night typing away and I just reached the 10% mark in my draft. I'm further along than that in the whole process though, since the first month was getting my outline and notes in good enough shape to actually start writing the book. I'm now actually writing the book, and have high hopes of having a working draft sometime in March to hand off to beta readers. If all goes well, we might be looking at an April release. Take that with a grain of salt though. I'm still a new-ish author and I'm streamlining my process.

I'm in the process of setting up a Patreon. Several of you have asked about that. I'm not sure what I'm going to use it for, but I figure at the very least it's a nice platform for me to post stuff I don't want the whole internet to see. A lot of authors use it just to paywall their new books so the webscraper bots don't get to it but fans can still get a sneak preview of the coming story. Having your story show up anywhere on the web can give you major problems when publishing to Amazon.

That's another one of those things that I'm going to do at some point.

TLDR; I am writing book 3. I am also attempting to make other things happen, but I keep accidentally putting those things on hold to write more of book 3. 


  1. It looks to me that people are visiting this blog, but it might just be bots.

    If you are real people, or at least bots good enough to leave comments, know that you may ask me questions here and I'll do my best to answer them so long as the answer isn't a spoiler.

  2. Dude. Your books are excellent. If you’re on Facebook you need to join harem gamelit. There are a bunch of people asking me about you and your books once I put a review up on the page. You could reach a whole lot more readers if you did. I’m following you waiting on your next release. Rock on bro

    1. Thanks Josh!

      I think I was a part of that Facebook page at one point. Unfortunately Facebook doesn't like using fictitious last names, and as you might expect, Whiteknight is an alias. I definitely need to get back on Facebook at some point, I just need to find a way to either get my old account restored or make a new one and avoid getting banned somehow.

      Thanks for reading!

  3. Do you have and ETA for when the Audiobook for when Secrets of the Hearthwood: A Cultivating Gamelit Harem Adventure (Spellheart Book 2) will be released?

    1. As it happens, I do have an ETA!

      April 7, 2020 is the date Tantor gave me! Expect it then.

  4. I am reading ( and re-reading your series awaiting the third book) as I follow THeo's path. I love the permututations and the way the story creates interweaving plots. I am with you on getting to a new book. I do not listen to the audio, I am a reader at heart. Keep writing this fantastic story please and you will have an avid fan here always.

    1. Hi Bob!

      Glad you're enjoying the story! I'm plinking away at book 3 right now, getting closer and closer to the halfway point. I think this one is shaping up to be a favorite! I'll make an official post in a week or so when I reach it that I'm halfway there (assuming that editing takes me about the same amount of time that outlining did). I'm hoping to get book 3 out around April.

      Thanks for Reading!

  5. Hey Marvin,

    Vellum is definitely the way to go. Takes 5-10 minutes to format a book. I don't have a Mac so I use a site called Mac In Cloud to access my licensed copy of Vellum.

    Hope that helps,


    1. Thanks Anon. I'll definitely have to try that as well then.

  6. One of the other authors I read frequently asks for beta readers to help with finding typos. Her name is Jasmine Walt. She's on facebook. Perhaps send her a message and see how she handles it. It might be helpful.

    1. Hi Jas,

      Thanks for the tip. Maybe I'll try message her if I can get Facebook to unban me. I actually have received a significant amount of help hunting down typos from beta readers, though I've never asked for it specifically. That may be one of the changes I make for book 3.

      I'll try and look into it. At this point I'm still a hobbyist writer and am working on practicing other aspects of story-telling, but eventually I'll start producing "cleaner" novels. I often read translated webnovels (the kind run through google translate), so my mental bracket for what qualifies as readable is way, way, way lower than most peoples'. I understand though that not everyone can read through typos and copy-paste errors without losing immersion, so cleaning those up is definitely something I'm working on. Help from fans might make that happen a lot faster than it otherwise would.


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