Sunday, June 30, 2019

My Ramblings & Book 2 Info

First of all, let me preface this by saying I’m absolutely blown away by the reception Zeal of the Mind and Flesh has received. I uploaded the book fully resigned to never seeing a single copy sold to anyone besides myself. I honestly thought I’d just get bragging rights and a little “author” flair on reddit. It’s been 12 days since I’ve released the book, and as of now you guys have bought 202 copies and read 100,000 Kindle Unlimited pages! Even more importantly, I just got my very first piece of fan email! That was so encouraging to read.

Amazon takes two months to pay out royalties. Once I have that I’ll be on the market for an editor to go over book 1 alongside and I’ll be pushing out a revised edition. You won’t need to buy anything new, it will just update your existing copy. I’ll let you know on this blog when that happens. My writing has improved by leaps and bounds since book 1, so you should look forward to smoother dialog, tighter prose, and more vibrant characters regardless of what I do for editing book 2.

Now for what you’re probably reading this for. The big question.
When do you get book 2?

That’s the question I always wanted to know when I read a good first book. And authors were always evasive. Readers get the evasive “Soon”, or even worse “It’s done when it’s done.” I always hated those answers.

Q: When is book 2 coming out?
A: Soon.

Yeah, sorry. I finally understand why authors do this to readers. Writing a book is messy and confusing. Words pile up, sometimes you cut them, sometimes you need to write more. Frankly, I can’t even estimate how far into the production process I am at any given time.

Or at least, that’s what it was like for book 1. For book 2, I’ve done a lot more prep work and plan to be a lot more organized throughout the project. Hopefully, that should amount to a vastly condensed timeframe. My current goal is to have a working second draft by October, with the goal of releasing book 2 by the end of December. But that’s just my personal deadlines. My goals involve me finishing up a lot earlier. If things continue as smoothly as they are currently, I might be able to move the release to November or sooner.

I think I’m going to be looking for beta readers once I have something I'm ready to share, so stay tuned for that as well! I’ve seen some authors start a patreon for this. Apparently, keeping your writing behind a paywall, even a tiny one, vastly reduces the issues of people copying your work over to a certain site known for illegally hosting stories that I won’t name here or getting it detected by Amazon’s bots and getting flagged as being published elsewhere and thus ineligible for Kindle Unlimited.


  1. On another note, I've enabled anonymous comments in the hopes that by lowering the bar to entry I can lure some of you lurkers into leaving a comment.

  2. Hey, good work on book 1, glad you're keeping with it. :) Related note, are you considering an audiobook at this time?

    1. I would love to get an audiobook made! But first I want to get book 1 professionally edited, since I can't make changes to an audiobook like I can with the ebooks, or even make new editions like I can with print books. It's definitely on the agenda, but you'll probably see book 2 on Amazon before an audiobook for book 1.

    2. Nice job for a first book. Hope you continue to enjoy writing your series.

    3. Thanks Anon! I hope you continue to enjoy my series!

  3. I found your kindle book on Amazon and was impressed. I'm not a fan of harem stories usually. Ors normally a negative in a story to me. For example Eric Vall's summoner. I like the Mc and his powers but every woman he see's immediately wants to bang him. His character in story is described as average looking average and his magic type the laughing stock of mage kind. Your story explains a rarity of males(especial strong and competent ones). As well as his magic is related to his attraction. Good writing does not leave out important details so I must commend you for a job well done.

    1. Good to hear from you Keth! The rule that I'm following is simple: story comes first. My primary job is to tell a good story that makes sense above all else.

  4. Thanks for an interesting story.

    1. Thanks for being an interesting reader, Unknown!
      What a mysterious, hidden identity you must have.

  5. Enjoyed the book! Keep at it! Looking forward to book 2


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